KADOKAWA Game Linkage, which operates “Famitsu” and “Game Dengeki,” has announced that the “Famitsu Dengeki Game Awards 2023”, which determines the best games of 2023 through voting by game fans, will receive the grand prize “Game of the Year” and other awards. The nominations for 17 categories have been announced. The grand prize for each category will be announced on a live broadcast program to be held on Sunday, March 17, 2024.
“Famitsu Dengeki Game Award 2023” is the largest user-voted game award in Japan. Game fans will vote to select games, people, production studios, etc. that have made significant contributions to the development of the game industry. The results of the votes collected over a period of approximately one month starting from the end of 2023 will be announced on a live broadcast program to be held on Sunday, March 17, 2024. The program will be hosted by voice actress Ruriko Aoki, who is also known to be an avid gamer.
On the day of the event, in addition to the awards, a talk show called “My Oshi Game 2023” will be broadcast, in which editors and writers from Famitsu and Dengeki Online, as well as KADOKAWA Game Linkage staff, will passionately talk about their favorite games. This is also worth paying attention to.
In this article, ahead of the announcement of the voting results for the “Famitsu Dengeki Game Awards 2023”, we will reveal the nominations for the 17 categories eligible for voting, including “Game of the Year”. In addition to the top awards in each category, the program will also award the “Famitsu Dengeki Special Award”, which will be selected and recognized by “Famitsu” and “Game Dengeki” for content that has greatly contributed to the excitement of the game industry in 2023. We also plan to present our works.
“Famitsu Dengeki Game Award 2023” event overview
- Sponsor/Planning/Management: Famitsu/Dengeki Game Award 2023 Executive Committee
- Purpose: The purpose is to select, by voting by game fans, outstanding games, people, production studios, etc. that are widely supported by users in 2023 and are recognized as having made a significant contribution to the development of the game industry.
- Voting period: December 15, 2023 (Friday) to January 14, 2024 (Sunday) *Voting has ended
- Eligible for voting: Games released and distributed between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023, regardless of the type of hardware such as home game consoles, smartphones, and PCs, as well as those that are in online service in 2023. , or games for all models for which the service was provided (excluding some departments).
- Voting/selection method: During the voting period, votes will be accepted on the “Famitsu Dengeki Game Award 2023” special website (X is also available for some categories). Based on the voting results, the Famitsu Dengeki Game Award 2023 Executive Committee will select.
- Voting category: Game of the Year
This award is given to all games that will be released, distributed, or in service in 2023, and will be given to the work that is the best overall in terms of worldview, novelty, depth, and appeal that attracts users.
MVC (Best Game Developer/Studio)
This award is given to the most active, influential, and brilliant creators and production studios in the game industry in 2023.
scenario department
This award is given to works that captivate game fans with their excellent scenarios.
Graphic department
This award is given to works that captivate game fans with their excellent graphics.
music department
This award is given to works that captivate game fans with their outstanding game music.
Voice actor category
This award is given to voice actors for game characters who particularly captivate and leave a lasting impression on game fans.
Character department
This award is given to the most active game character who particularly attracts game fans. It doesn’t matter if it’s a person (main character, supporting character, antagonist), animal, etc.
online game department
This award is given to a work that is especially supported by game fans among online games that will be in service in 2023 (including games with online elements), or games that were released or distributed before 2022 and are still undergoing update development. is.
action department
This award is given to action games (including FPS and TPS) that particularly attract game fans and leave a lasting impression.
action adventure category
This award is given to action-adventure games that particularly captivate game fans and leave a lasting impression.
Adventure category
This award is given to adventure games that particularly captivate game fans and leave a lasting impression.
RPG section
This award is given to RPGs (including simulation RPGs) that particularly captivate game fans and leave a lasting impression.
Game app department
This award is given to game apps that have been particularly supported by game fans among game apps released and distributed in 2023, or released and distributed before 2022 that are still undergoing update development.
Indie game category
This award is given to indie games that particularly attract game fans and leave a lasting impression (one of the criteria is small-scale development and low-priced games).
rookie division
This award is given to a rookie game (not a series, but an original game released or distributed for the first time) that particularly captivates game fans and leaves a lasting impression.
e-sports game category
This award is given to games that are particularly supported by game fans, and are held in e-sports tournaments, and are released and distributed in 2023, or released and distributed before 2022 and are still undergoing update development.
Titles expected in 2024
This award is given to works that are scheduled to be released or distributed in 2024 and are particularly anticipated by game fans.